Redefining what's possible
for your construction company.
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Reach Your Potential.

Projects far exceed the capacity of our region’s current pool of small-emerging construction businesses. We’ll take you through the process of becoming a certified small and emerging construction business in the City of Omaha. We’re dedicated to providing training for construction entrepreneurs and individuals — developing the talent needed in our region’s construction industry. We work with community partners across the region to provide educational and technical assistance.

Program Overview:

The REACH Program is a strategic initiative of the Greater Omaha Chamber, designed to support small and emerging businesses (SEBs), primarily within the construction industry, while also extending assistance to other businesses with opportunities in contracting and procurement. Our mission is to empower these businesses by providing comprehensive education, technical assistance, mentoring, business connections, and networking opportunities. Since its launch in 2015, REACH has successfully served over 500 businesses, helping them grow their revenues, expand their workforce, and secure valuable contracts.

A key focus of the REACH program is on capacity-building and inclusion, helping SEBs and local employers meet their educational and developmental goals. Supported by a dedicated team, REACH is backed by a network of strategic investors, partners, and volunteers committed to fostering a more diverse and inclusive construction sector within the Greater Omaha area. Through REACH, the Greater Omaha Chamber is not only driving the growth and success of small and emerging businesses but also contributing to a more robust and capable construction industry that benefits the entire community.

Opening Up New Opportunities.

We’ll help you build capacity, break down barriers and increase opportunities for your construction-related and professional services companies.

  • Plan Viewing/Bidding Assistance
  • Entity Formation Assistance
  • Access to Capitol or Financing
  • Training and Mentoring that covers:
    • Bidding techniques and procedures
    • Bond preparedness
    • Credit Expansion/Remediation
    • Human Resources
    • Plan Reading

Find Local Business Resources Quickly.

Use our resource finder to identify local organizations that can assist you with everything from training, funding and technical assistance.

REACH resource finder

Accomplishing More. Together.

REACH is a collaborative effort, combining resources from many entities to help small and emerging businesses grow and prosper.

  • City of Omaha
  • University of Nebraska Medical Center
  • Metropolitan Community College
  • Seventy Five North Revitalization Corp.
  • Catholic Charities/ Micro Business Program
  • Nebraska Business Development Center
  • Nebraska Enterprise Fund
  • Society for Marketing Professional Services

It’s All Within Reach.

Small Business of the Month – November 2020: Blair Freeman

Maranda Adams and Ashley Kuhn saw the need for a “transparent construction company that puts the owner back in the driver seat on their projects” – so they founded Blair Freeman, Nebraska's only 100 percent woman-owned, 100 percent minority-owned Class A contractor....

REACH The Next Opportunity with Fox Flooring

When Brent Fox moved from Seattle to Omaha in 2008, he saw a place with the potential for growth. At a time when the recession was at its worst nationally, Omaha maintained a solid market and continued to be a community worth raising a family in. After...

It’s All Within REACH

The idea emerged while Cameron Gales was working as assistant community relations director in the Mayor’s office. “I saw how there was a lot of development in the city and a lot of opportunity for small contractors,” he recalled. “One night, I was sitting...

Volunteers That Elevate Our Region – Curtis Johnson and Bob Carlisle with REACH

Active engagement by our members propels the Chamber and helps us accomplish our mission and vision. During 2017, about 60 different Chamber-sponsored clubs, councils and task forces collectively engaged over 1,000 people. The REACH program ensures our...

REACH Beyond Celebrates Graduation of One Mentoring Class, Launch of Another

In military tradition, it’s called a “Hail and Farewell,” a celebration of those who are joining and those who are moving on from an organization. The Chamber’s REACH Beyond mentoring program is in the midst of a “Hail and Farewell” of its own. Hail: REACH...

REACHing New Levels of Success: Ken & Associates

“It’s almost imperative, if you want to be a successful business, that you get as much of that knowledge as possible. That’s what REACH offers.” - Ken Ingram, President/Owner, Ken & Associates An entrepreneur with a great passion to grow his business, Ken Ingram...

Moving up with REACH

“With the REACH program, they help small business owners accomplish their goals.” – Virgil Richardson, owner, KCT Construct, Inc. KCT Construct, Inc., is on a positive trajectory – the result of more than 20-years of quality project work accelerated, most recently, by...


Travis Blakely
Program Manager, Small and Emerging Business Development
1-402-978-7908 or x208

Alejandra Jimenez
Director, Small and Emerging Business Development
402-233-7144 or Extension: 423

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